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12 year old Las Vegas girl commits suicide after being bullied at school

Tragedy struck when 12-year-old Flora Martinez, a sixth grader at Keller Middle School in Las Vegas, took her own life on May 7 after enduring months of relentless bullying at school.

Despite her parents’ efforts to secure a transfer to a new school, their request was denied just eight months prior.

Flora’s parents, Alice Martinez and Joshua Parker, are now holding the Clark County School District accountable for failing to protect their daughter.

According to Alice, the bullying began early in the school year, and both she and Flora approached the assistant principal for help.

However, their cries for support fell on deaf ears. After taking Flora out of school for two weeks in an attempt to escape the torment, the bullying only intensified upon her return.

Alice expressed her outrage, stating, “Everybody who had a hand in denying that transfer request failed her. If you’re a parent and you’re not outraged by this, you’re part of the problem too.”

Joshua, Flora’s father, emphasized that this was not an isolated incident but rather the culmination of months of relentless bullying that ultimately led to his daughter’s tragic demise.

He poignantly remarked, “Look how hard it was on my daughter. My daughter was literally bullied to death.”

The family’s heartbreaking loss serves as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of bullying and the urgent need for schools to take proactive measures to ensure student safety and well-being.

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