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Betty Irabor opens up on her depression and suicidal attempt

Nigerian author and founder of Genevieve Magazine, Betty Irabor, has courageously shared her personal struggle with depression and a near-suicide attempt in a recent tweet.

She revealed that years ago, she tried to end her life due to the overwhelming pain of depression, but deep down, she was still hoping someone would intervene and save her.

Fortunately, with the help of nine psychiatrists, supportive family and friends, and her own determination to live, she was able to overcome her struggles and regain her will to live.

Betty’s powerful message encourages others who may be struggling with depression to seek help without shame, emphasizing that a turnaround is possible.

She shared her personal journey, including her experiences with various psychiatrists, some of whom were more helpful than others, and the importance of a supportive network.

Her tweet reads: “Years ago, I had a failed attempt at suicide. What people don’t understand is that many don’t really want to go through with it. It’s the pain you want to kill, not yourself.

In that fleeting second, you’re still hoping someone will save you. I’m grateful for my turnaround and bonus years #depression If you’re in that place called depression, I promise you that a turnaround is possible… Talk to someone. There is no shame in admitting you need help and getting it. All that matters is your recovery.”

Betty’s bravery in sharing her story and encouraging others to seek help is a testament to her resilience and commitment to supporting mental health awareness.

Her book, “Dust to Dew,” chronicles her journey and offers hope and inspiration to those struggling with similar challenges.

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