A viral video has re-emerged, showing B-Red, Davido’s cousin, recalling a past encounter where Burna Boy allegedly ran after him and Davido, expressing his admiration for the duo. This clip has resurfaced amidst the recent tensions between Davido and Burna Boy, which began when Burna Boy took a jab at an unnamed individual, accusing them of lying about owning a mansion in Banana Island.
It’s worth noting that Davido was reported to have acquired a plot of land on Banana Island in 2022 for approximately 2.5 billion Naira. Following Burna Boy’s comments, fans of Davido responded by teasing Burna online. The resurfaced clip shows B-Red sharing a story of how Burna Boy, a Grammy-winning artist, approached him and Davido in Port Harcourt, openly praising them.
In the video, B-Red claims that Burna Boy was a fan of the duo, which has sparked interesting reactions online. The clip has added fuel to the ongoing debate between fans of Davido and Burna Boy, with many weighing in on the situation.