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“Generation Beta” The Newest Generation Begins With Babies Born In 2025

Following Generation Alpha (2010–2024), Generation Beta will include children born between 2025 and 2039, representing a new era in history.

Australian research firm McCrindle predicts that Gen Beta will account for 16% of the world’s population by 2035, with many living to witness the 22nd century.

According to McCrindle, led by demographer and futurist Mark McCrindle, this generation signifies a transformative period. “We named them Alpha and Beta to represent the first generations shaped by a completely different world,” McCrindle explained.

Experts say Gen Beta will grow up amidst rapidly changing global factors, such as technological advancements, societal challenges, and environmental sustainability.

As children of younger millennials and older Gen Zers, they will likely be raised with values of adaptability, equality, and eco-consciousness.

“This will make Generation Beta more globally minded, community-focused, and collaborative than ever before,” McCrindle noted. “Their upbringing will stress the importance of innovation, not just for convenience but to address the urgent challenges of their time.”


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