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Hollywood Writers return to negotiating table to end strike

Hollywood’s writers’ union Writers Guild of America (WGA), will return to the bargaining table today (Friday) after studios requested a meeting to explore ways to end the ongoing strike.

The WGA strike which is on since early May has brought the entertainment industry to a standstill, and the two sides have not resumed formal talks over terms including pay since then.

In an email to members, the WGA said it had accepted a request to meet with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), which includes studios like Disney and Netflix.

The email from the union reads partly: “We expect the AMPTP to provide responses to WGA proposals”.

“Our committee returns to the bargaining table ready to make a fair deal, knowing the unified WGA membership stands behind us and buoyed by the ongoing support of our union allies.”

The chaos brought on Hollywood only deepened last month, when writers were joined in the strike by the far larger Screen Actors Guild.

Writers — as well as actors — are renegotiating their collective contracts to demand better pay, guarantees to limit the use of artificial intelligence, and other working conditions.

The WGA, which says current terms make it impossible for many of its 11,000 members to make a living, this week marked the 100th day of its strike, dubbing the occasion a “milestone of shame” for studios.

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