Content creator VeryDarkMan has sparked attention online after sharing photos of himself partying with Naira Marley and Zinoleesky at a club. The trio’s association has been a subject of controversy in the past, particularly due to their connections with the Mohbad’s death saga.
VeryDarkMan’s caption seemed to reference the controversy, stating: “I jam the innocent rough men, I ask them to talk, them say na God hand e dey @nairamarley @zinoleesky #mindyounobodyfitcancelme ooooo”
Naira Marley is the founder of the Marlian movement, a cultural and musical collective that has been associated with controversy in the past. Zinoleesky is a signed artist under Naira Marley’s record label, Marlian Records.
VeryDarkMan has also been linked to the Marlian movement, collaborating with Naira Marley and other affiliated artists on content and music projects. The hashtag “#mindyounobodyfitcancelme” suggests that the trio is prepared to face any backlash or criticism that may come their way.